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TRICARE Supplement
Insurance Plans
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Online Enrollment Available

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About Our Plan

How the Select Supplement Works

Young Adult


Rate Schedule

How To Enroll


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Additional Protection at a
Competitive Price

The TRICARE Select Supplement Insurance Plan provides benefits to help pay your TRICARE Select cost share for inpatient and outpatient care including doctor visits, emergency room care and prescription medications. (Note: TRICARE Select was formerly known as TRICARE Standard/Extra.) The Select Supplement Insurance Plan also pays 100% of Covered Excess Charges up to the TRICARE Legal Limit. The Select Supplement Insurance Plan has a fiscal year plan deductible of $250 per person or $500 per family maximum. If you are an Active Duty Member, there is also a plan for your Dependents. See Benefit Chart.

Plan Sponsor: Government Employees Association

The Government Employees Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization; incorporated in 1965 in Washington, D.C. GEA was established to provide active and retired federal, state and local government employees (including members of the military and National Guard services) with a network of resources.

Important Notice

This coverage is available to Government Employees Association members and their dependents. If you are not already a member of Government Employees Association, please complete the enclosed Government Employees Association membership application or contact Government Employees Association to apply. Your membership dues can be added to your insurance premium depending on the payment option you select. Continued membership and benefit enjoyment requires renewal of membership upon expiration of the initial period. For additional inquiries, call Selman & Company, the plan administrator, tollā€free at: 1.800.638.2610.


You are eligible to enroll provided you are an eligible TRICARE recipient, under age 65, and entitled to retired, retainer, or equivalent pay. If you are age 65 or over and ineligible for Medicare, you may enroll for the plan by attaching a copy of your Social Security Notice of Disallowance of Benefits to your Enrollment Form. Coverage is also available for your TRICARE eligible spouse under age 65, and dependent, unmarried children under age 21 (23 if in college). Coverage is extended to adult dependent children who are under age 26 and enrolled in TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) program. Eligible spouses and children of active-duty service members may enroll; TRICARE-eligible widow(er)s and ex-spouses may also enroll.

Effective Date

Your coverage and that of your covered dependents becomes effective on the first day of the month following receipt of your Enrollment Form and first premium payment. If, on that day, you or a covered dependent are confined in a hospital, the effective date will be the day following discharge from the hospital. Newborn children not named in your enrollment form are automatically covered from birth for injury or sickness, including treatment of congenital defects and birth abnormalities, for 31 days. You must notify the Plan Administrator in writing and pay the additional premium due within 31 days of birth for coverage to continue beyond this period. Insured children who are incapable of self-sustaining employment because of mental retardation or physical disability and who are unmarried and chiefly dependent on the insured member for support and maintenance may continue coverage past policy age limits, with requested proof. Otherwise, each dependent child's coverage terminates on the premium due date following the date he or she is no longer a dependent.

Pre-Existing Conditions Limitations

Any injury or sickness whether diagnosed or undiagnosed, for which a covered person received medical care or treatment within the 6-month period preceding the effective date of his or her insurance will not be covered until the coverage has been in effect for 6 months. However, new conditions will be covered immediately.

Limitations (Nervous, Mental, Emotional Disorder, Alcoholism, and Drug Addiction Limits)

The coverage provided under the Inpatient Benefit of the TRICARE Supplement Plan for nervous, mental and emotional disorders, including alcoholism and drug addiction, is limited to: 1) 30 Inpatient treatment days for a Covered Person age 19 or older; or 2) 45 Inpatient treatment days for a Covered Person under age 19 per Fiscal Year. This Inpatient limit is based on the number of days TRICARE normally provides each Fiscal Year for such confinements. In rare instances, TRICARE extends these daily limits. If this occurs, we will limit the number of days that we provide for such confinement to the lesser of: 1) the number of days TRICARE pays for such Inpatient treatment during the Fiscal Year; or 2) 90 Inpatient days per Fiscal Year. The coverage provided under the Outpatient Benefit of the TRICARE Supplement plan for: 1) nervous, mental, and emotional disorders; and 2) alcoholism and drug addiction; is limited to $500 during any Fiscal Year for all such disorders.

Non-Duplication of Coverage under Employer Health Program

If a claim payable under the Policy is also payable under an Employer Health Program with TRICARE as the secondary payor, we will limit our payment to an amount which, when added to the amounts paid by the Employer Health Program and TRICARE, will not exceed 100% of TRICARE Covered Expenses.

This plan is sponsored by:

GEA Logo
Government Employees Association

Administered by:

Selman & Company
Cleveland, OH

Underwritten by:

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company (TPLIC), Cedar Rapids, IA
Group Policy MLTRC1000GP
Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company (TFLIC),Harrison, NY
Group Policy TFTRC1000GP
TFLIC is authorized to conduct business in New York.
TPLIC is authorized to conduct business on all other states.

Click on the following links to learn more!
About TRICARE | About Our Plan | How the Select Supplement Works
Young Adult | Termination/Exclusions | Rate Schedule | How to Enroll